Saturday, 28 January 2012

It’s a boy, it’s a girl, no hold on we’re not saying!!

Okay, so this week everyone seems to be talking about the gender neutral baby. I have to be honest, when I heard the story my first reaction was – what? After a couple of more minutes of thinking and reading the articles, my brain was able to move – if not slightly reluctantly, from what to why?

Now I should first point out that I don’t have children and so I’ve never been in the position of deciding whether or not to tell people that I have had a boy or a girl. I have though had to buy congratulation cards, and I would have been properly miffed if one of my friends had said; “we’re not saying!” Let’s face it, Clinton’s just doesn’t do a card for; “congratulations on your gender neutral baby”, which means I’d have to have resorted to Moonpig and what colour would I have gone for – yellow, green!! Oh no, hold on I may be falling prey to the gender stereotype!

I also understand that there will be some people out there that will be firm advocates of this being entirely the parent’s decision, and no one else’s business. People, I am sure, will say that so long as the parent’s are looking after the child then it’s really no one else’s business. The problem is I disagree. Going public with this story and decision, has rightly or wrongly made it other people’s business. On hearing a story like this, it is nigh on impossible not to have an opinion about it.

Now whilst I don’t have children, I was once a child and I do also have parents of my own. I personally think that parent’s have, without doubt, the hardest job in the world. From the moment that they are handed their child they are responsible for absolutely everything that happens to them and this will mean having to make hundreds, if not thousands, of decisions. This is no mean feat!

No one can be expected to get every decision right. So all therapists should breathe a massive sigh of relief, I can only imagine the effect on their revenues if everyone was suddenly blissfully happy and had absolutely no parent issues whatsoever! Also, what would teenagers do? I’m so moody, my mum and dad really understand me! It doesn’t quite have the same effect as the visual that Harry Enfield provided in his sketch of Kevin and Perry.

Life also isn’t anywhere near that simple, and as we get older we change and not only define who we are, but we also re-define who we are. Look at Madonna or maybe Lady GaGa! So what I suppose I am trying to say is that parents don’t really stand a chance in the grand scheme of things. At some point they will inevitable be blamed for something, just as I am sure that they inevitable blamed their parents for something in the past. It’s just the way it goes.

We all rely on our parents in the beginning and I honestly don’t think we can say that all parent’s over the past millennia, that have been raising sons as boys and daughters as girls have had it all wrong. I’m also not sure I see the point of trying to be gender neutral. It’s perfectly acceptable in this day and age – in the West at least, to completely defy stereotypes. Does it matter if a boy has long hair and likes pink, or if a girl likes playing with cars and dressing in blue? I don’t think it matters what a child does so long as they are happy. They are after all only children.

Yet I don’t think this includes making a child gender neutral, mainly because this isn’t actually possible. Every child has a gender; male or female, and deciding from day dot that a child will be gender neutral to me just seems ludicrous. I hope that I’m wrong and that the child will prove every nay sayer wrong and grow up and be well balanced, happy, and not at all confused or angry at his / her parent’s decision. I however think I’d be pretty annoyed at the fact that it was made known that I was referred to as “it” or “the infant”. 

Am I the only one whose mind immediately jumps to Edith Nesbitt’s book; Five Children and It, or worse the Addam’s Family??

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