With the new season of Grey’s Anatomy currently on a break, I have been forced to fall back on my faithful box sets of past seasons and it made me wonder - Why is Grey’s Anatomy so addictive, and which of the seasons (if I really had to pick) is my all time favourite?
Season 8 Grey’s Anatomy has for me felt much like Season’s 6 and 7 before it. It is good and still has me watching every week, but there is something lacking now that early Grey’s had in abundance. Yet, credit where it is most certainly due, every time that I start to feel that I may have reached my Grey’s quota (and trust me the amount of times I’ve watched it – I should have), I am just as quickly absorbed back into it with a humdinger of an episode.
Episode 9 of the latest season hooked me again just in time for the show to take a break, and in Season 7 for me the real high point was the musical episode, which I know will most likely be met with the same mixed reactions as the episode was.
I really struggled with Season 6 - I don’t handle change very well and there were a lot of new characters to get to know and also I may have been in a slight mourning period first for George and then for Izzie -both characters that I feel are greatly missed in latter Seasons. Yet, despite this the shooting finale was truly spectacular and had me glued to the screen.
Season 5 was strong in my opinion, and also saw the introduction of Owen Hunt. In terms of newbie’s to the initial Grey’s characters (I am terming newbie as any character that was not introduced in Season 2), Owen and Arizona are the stand out strongest characters and I love their relationships with Christina and Callie respectively.
While Season 4 saw the arrival of a lot of new interns, and a new love interest for Derek Shepherd, the series as a whole I liked. It was for me at times very reminiscent of the first two seasons of Grey’s. It had the will they won’t they for Mer-Der and it at times re-invigorated the intern and Bailey relationship that was so strong in Seasons 1-3.
The secret of Grey’s Anatomy being addictive has to lie in a combination of factors; the characters, the relationships, the drama and above all the catch phrases. Who will forget the episode where McSteamy is named and George chokes back his “McVomit”, the time when “Seriously!” was said repeatedly, and the continual joke around Bailey as the Nazi – “on the hospital warpath and not the German warpath” though, just to be clear as Christina has to be when explaining the name to Burke’s Mama in Season 3.
In terms of a best ever Season – surely though it’s got to be season two? Whilst the first season hooked me in, the second was jam packed with amazing episodes, who could forget “Into you like a Train” – poor Bonny, “As we know it” – poor bomb disposal guy, and finally “Losing my Religion” – poor Denny.
The Season was full of emotional upheavals. The writing, acting and general brilliantness of the show oozed with a very high level of addiction, and the looks traded by McDreamy and Denny when Meredith and Izzie weren’t looking were just wonderful to watch. Even now, every time I hear “Chasing Cars” by Snow Patrol I think of the season finale. It was spectacular, it was unmissable, it was Grey’s Anatomy at its best. Seriously! Seriously!
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