Monday, 4 June 2012

With Ricky Martin winning the Apprentice, is Lord Sugar living la vida loca?

It has been written and it will continue to be written for a while I feel sure, that yesterday the UK (or London more specifically) witnessed an event that has not been seen in many a long year. And an event that has never been seen on prime time television before!

No, I am not talking about the 1000 boat strong flotilla that graced the Thames yesterday for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, but instead the fact that Claude Littner (the best interviewer on the series the Apprentice) did not tear one of the candidates to shreds!

Interview week is without doubt my favourite week of the Apprentice series. It is great to finally see the candidates, who have over the course of 10 / 11 weeks made themselves look like idiots by acting less mature than primary school children in the boardroom (I really do always expect to see tears and not just from the girls), come under fire for their own self importance and arrogance.

If you’re not sure that the candidates always act immature, you must though agree that they certainly say some absolutely ludicrous and cringe worthy things. My two favourite quotes from the series have to be from Duane Bryan and Jenna Whittingham. Duane told another of this year’s candidates that; “you must never look a gift horse in the eye.”

Honestly this doesn’t even need a satirical remark from me as this mis-quote speaks for itself. But really, why oh why would you ever use a saying that you weren’t sure you had right. Though maybe I’m doing him a favour by thinking he mis-spoke, perhaps he genuinely didn’t know that that wasn’t the saying. Yet this either makes him a fool or forgetful, neither great traits when trying to become Lord Sugar’s business partner one wouldn’t have thought. If anyone who knows Duane is reading this, its mouth by the way and not eye! “Never look a gift horse in the mouth!”

In fairness to Duane though, his quote was nothing in comparison to Jenna’s blunder. Jenna during one of the tasks and on route to Edinburgh (where the task was set), asked fellow candidate and Scot Laura Hogg if she’d be able to understand and talk to the people if they spoke in Scottish. If you didn’t see this episode, find a clip and watch it because Jenna was being deadly serious!

I have to say when I was watching this episode and that comment was made, I was ready to pull out a vuvuzela from somewhere and blow it. That comment should have been an instant fireable offence on the grounds of stupidity!!

Anyway, back to topic – Interview week.

This is the week where Lord Alan Sugar brings in his most trusted advisors and lets them rip on his remaining candidates. As television goes, I always find this to be comedy and entertainment gold. Although I do wonder if any of these candidates have ever had interviews before? Yes, I appreciate that the advisors are possibly told to go OTT, and there is the extra pressure on the candidates because they know it’s televised, but still! If you apply for the Apprentice (and by this I mean the newer version of the Apprentice where it’s not for a job but to be Sugar’s business partner), then why can’t you answer basic questions on your business plan!

Aside from my issue with the candidates being occasionally open for ridicule, the entertainment gold comes from the interviewers. Who needs to watch a David Attenborough program on nature, when interview week is on? It is just like watching predators stalk their prey in the Serengeti, and they all have that give away look where you know they are about to pounce on the candidate, from Margaret Mountford’s eyebrow (love it!) to Claude Littner’s lean (brilliant!)

Yet yesterday I felt a little robbed. Claude Littner who has always provided the very best of the best entertainment from interview week – his best line ever being when he was interviewing Stuart Braggs – the Brand! The Brand (as he called himself) claimed that he was a big fish in a small pond. Littner’s response was; “you’re not even a fish!” It came after the end of a long drilling at which point Braggs looked like he was about to cry. I know I shouldn’t find someone else’s misery and pain entertaining, but isn’t that what reality television is all about!

But, imagine my disappointment yesterday when Littner didn’t attack yet more cajole Ricky Martin (winner of the Apprentice). I found it highly disheartening when he told him he thought he had a good business plan – that’s not entertainment gold, that’s like watching the good kid in the class’s parent evening! Dull! Thankfully though, Littner still made excellent attacks on the other three candidates, so I wasn’t left feeling totally short changed on my viewing amusement.

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